Personal Credit Vs. Business Credit
What is Credit Repair
Credit repair simply put means to repair or enhance your credit. Having no credit is just like having bad credit and in that case, we would help build your credit. Building your credit can be a tedious task. Think about it "did it take you one day to mess up your credit?" Going through the credit repair process is timely so patience and consistency is a must! Most people see results within 30-45 days.
5 reasons to get your credit repaired
Save money on interest- Repairing your credit would allow you to get more competitive interest rates and cut back on the money you pay in interest. (i.e. credit cards, car loans, insurance rates, etc.)
Buy a new house- Many banks will not lend you a mortgage until you have repaired your credit.
Stop paying high-security deposits-Utility services and phone companies check your credit and improving your score prevents you from lower deposits or no deposits at all.
Rent an apartment/house- Many landlords check your credit now to determine the likelihood you would be late or not pay
Feel better about your credit score- You have to start somewhere!
Business Credit
Business Credit can be used as capital for your business. You must have an active business to start business credit. Business credit differs from your personal credit. Personal credit requires you to use a personal guarantor in which your social security number is used. On the other hand, business credit is used with your EIN (Employer Identification Number).
Detail Credit Report Focus
Boost your business credit
Build your business credit scores with guidance from industry experts
Access full business credit reports from the three main business credit bureaus
Get 1-on-1 sessions with credit and lending specialists
Monitor your profile with 24/7 cash flow alerts and insights
Get better loan options as your credit profile improves. Compare your best loan opportunities from your dashboard, updated in real time
Sign Up with our partners at by clicking the link. This plan helps new businesses build business credit by reporting the Nav monthly fee as an active trade line to all three major business credit bureaus